Ah, a new year. There's always so much excitement and hope around the prospect of a new beginning. New goals, new adventures, more happiness, less drama - that's exactly what 2017 is going to be like, right? Wrong. By this point in the year, however, reality kicks in and you realise it's probably not going to be a field of roses. You get back into your schedule and life goes on as per usual. What happened to 2017, this is practically 2016S (Non-iphone users will probably not get that. Haha, simpletons).

And by stupid I mean sexist, racist and homophobic; the worst kind of stupid there is.

You know that guy that always remarks that you'll never get a boyfriend because you're too much of a feminist? Or those church friends that show disgust when they see two guys arm in arm? Even those times you were right in the middle of events that show the underlying institutional racism that we have eluded (or tried to, at least) all these years (*hint*, Shimla Park)?

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